This blog is filled with poetry and thoughts of daily living. Each moment we live is filled with life and wonder. This is my way of sharing it with world.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Grants for small business
Government Grants for Small Business—Think you Qualify?
By Caron_Beesley, Contributor
Published: October 17, 2011
Updated: December 29, 2017
Looking for “free money” from the government to start your small business? Then you’ve come to the right place, because I’m here to tell you that – for the most part – there isn’t any.
Despite what you might have heard to the contrary, government grants are rarely available to small businesses. But why is that?
Well, government grants are funded by your tax dollars. Any grants must be appropriated through Congress and The White House and are tied closely to specific agency agendas, such as the Department of Energy or the Department of Agriculture. To further complicate matters, the government has very stringent rules about who it provides grants to and what those funds can be used for.
That being said, certain businesses – particularly those in high tech/R&D fields – may qualify for government small business grants.
To explain more, HERE are answers to the most frequently asked questions about small business grants. I’ll also introduce other, more readily-available, government-backed financing options specifically designed for small businesses.
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